About Sally

There are two considerations in speaking “About Sally.”
One is what I’ve done in life; the other, why I’ve done it
My Story
My life is more than a compilation of activities, endeavors, and events. My life has happened under the surface of such things, in the secret of my heart. But that’s another story. Here’s a bit of my resume, the who, what, where, when, and how, in case you’re curious.
I graduated with a B.S. in Education from Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, and earned a Master of Theological Studies degree with a major in pastoral care from the University of Dallas. For two decades, I taught theology to teens and was a retreat leader and spiritual director for both students and faculty at Jesuit College Preparatory School in Dallas. Over time, more than 2,000 high school students learned about Scripture, prayer, and the art of Christian living in my classes. Based on what the students taught me as well as on my years of volunteer work in elementary religion classrooms, I developed and taught a course in faith formation for catechism teachers and university students in the Institute of Religious and Pastoral Studies Program at the University of Dallas.
My Mission
I’m thrilled when I meet others on a quest for God or when I can help people begin such an adventure. For most of my adult life, I’ve been privileged to accompany children, youth, and adults on their faith journeys. I’m still amazed at how uniquely and intimately God reaches out to each of us. My goal is to listen well and guide others in seeing how God communicates with them in their daily lives. It’s incredible when we realize God’s on a quest for us!
I feel a special calling to work with children. Their natural curiosity about things spiritual and their openness to faith is inspiring. Through storytelling, song, and guided prayer, I offer children an opportunity to experience Christ’s tender love. When we help children know God’s care, kindness, and presence, we give them a tremendous gift. We also give Christ what he longs for: ”Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).
Responses to Sally’s Work with Youth
- “Thank you for guiding me into a new spiritual depth with God and myself. I also wanted to tell you that because of you, I feel that this retreat was powerful.” – J.P.
- “Mrs. Metzger is the nicest person I’ve ever met, Or ever will. Ever!” – T.D.
- “I learned a lot about improving my daily and spiritual life from Mrs. Metzger. She’s full of insight.” – T.B.
- “When my son came home from talking to Mrs. Metzger he told me for the first time in my life, ‘I love you.’” – L.O.
- “I hope one day I will be able to make a difference in people’s lives the way (Mrs. Metzger) does.” – G.V.
Responses to Sally’s Work with Adults
- ”I feel the closest I have ever been to God and I owe it all to Sally.” – C.W.
- “Sally has been a wonderful spiritual guide in several months of our work together. Sally has an amazing way of integrating faith principles.” – T.D.
- “Sally inspires and is a catalyst for spiritual growth.” – M.P.
- ”I have learned not to blame God for my sufferings. Sally has had an enormous impact on my life.” – R.L.
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