Sally’s Blog
Updates and Information About Sally’s Books, Mission, and Workshops as well as Inspirational Articles
Raining Grace – Introduction to My Blog
Today, be aware. God's Life floods your heart. It's always Raining Grace. "Do the thing and you will have the power" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). It's a quote I try to live by. I believe we all have incredible resources. The Master of the universe has decided to take up residence within us. If that weren't enough, In Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). We are swimming in grace! As a longtime spiritual director and a chaplain for all faiths, I’ve witnessed firsthand the workings of grace. It rains abundantly. (Sometimes I wear a waterproof parka and can’t feel a drop. But divine grace awaits my awakening to it.) Hopefully, some of these reflections will encourage you to access more and more the grace God offers. If you'd like entries sent to your inbox, click here. May something you read help you remember what you've always known and live the truth within you.
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Chaos or Quiet, God’s There
In the momentous and the mundane, in chaos or quiet, God's there. For He’s incapable of abandoning you. I was housesitting for my sister and noticed a book on her bookshelf with an intriguing title: Beginning to Pray. I wasn’t a beginner. Decades earlier, my Mom had...
An Unkind Mind
The other day an 83-year-old living in the skilled nursing center where I minister was taunted by junior high school kids. They were kids who had taken up residence in her unkind mind. By virtue of our noble birth as children of Divinity, we all should be free of...
Embrace the Day
| Embrace the Day | Let me not in anguish say, When tragedy knocks here, “Oh my, ungrateful fool I was! I missed the golden year.” Life is glad and joy is mine, But often pain reigns ‘round me. Reduce my days to trite concerns? Let mundane things confound me?...
The Power of Acceptance
| The Power of Acceptance | Few practices provide more spiritual growth, freedom, or inner peace than acceptance. When our boat has capsized and broken into pieces, there is little point in struggling against the rapids. Better to go with the flow until another...
Mind the Rocks and the Sky
| Mind the Rocks and the Sky | My husband and I often walk on a path where blue skies peek at us through the branches of gorgeous trees. Unfortunately, our trail is also laden with stumbling blocks called rocks. I've had to learn to mind both the rocks and the sky....
A Gift Concealed
Recently, it seemed my peace was surgically removed. Because of years of the repetitive motion of typing as a teacher and writer, I had an operation to cushion my thumb joint. I experienced the loss of the use of my dominant hand, pain, swelling, difficulty sleeping,...
God Takes the Night Shift
During my action-packed, responsibility-laden teaching days, sleeping wasn’t always easy. Praying and relaxing my muscles usually helped me drift off at night, but one night I was drifting nowhere. I was stuck firmly—exactly where I’d been all day—awake. It didn’t...
Raising Kids Who Love God
| Tips for Parents and Grandparents |We always promised ice cream after church to make sure our kids would pile into the car happily on Sunday mornings. It worked—until the sad day it didn't. I'd foolishly gotten a carton of double fudge mid-week, and our bribe had...
Christmas Present: New Year’s Presence
Christmas is a time of gift-giving. In preparation for a new year to breathe, live, and enjoy another spin around the sun, we might want to ask Christ for the gift of virtue as our Christmas present in 2022. We’ll need virtue to live as fully as possible in the coming...
Divine Encounter
|I Struggled to Give My Son a Faith I Didn't Have| I flew out of bed at the sound of Brian’s chilling screams. My five-year-old sometimes had bad dreams, but this was different. The air in his room seemed charged with danger and dread. “It’s okay, honey.” I sat on...
Jesus, Were You Little?
|Experiencing Christ’s Humanity|As a child, I’d pull myself up and stand on the piano bench to gaze at baby Jesus. He slept soundly, stuck to His bed. I knew my mom was an artist when she cut stray branches from our Christmas tree and propped them up behind the stable...
Bring Us Healing – Body, Mind, and Spirit
My prayer (pictured above) asks for our healing—body, mind, and spirit. How can our world, still reeling from Covid, war, and mounting divisiveness, be healed? We need grace, Divine intervention, if you will. We also need to see. To see the possibility of a better...
Add Public Speaking to Your Comfort Zone
|Add Public Speaking to Your Comfort Zone| It was my first-year teaching theology at the school, and I’d foolishly agreed to speak to the 900+ educational community at a prayer service. What was I thinking when I said yes? Whatever my thoughts had been, I certainly...
We all can enjoy great intimacy with God! Brother Lawrence, a Carmelite monk of the 17th-century, was the chief cook of his order and was always in the kitchen. His position was perfect for him because he made it his project to "practice the presence of God." At any...
Tune in to the Drama Within
Many of us have more or less sworn off "drama." We realize some people manufacture torment in their lives and relationships because it gives them something to do, enemies to fight, problems to gnaw on. We know there’s no need for such creative pursuits....
Twilight Zone (Or Lost)
I was five years old, squirming in my chair. My haircut successfully completed, I was waiting for my mom’s hair to be finished. “Honey, do you want to walk home all by yourself?” Today Mom’s hairdresser would call Child Services, but we lived in a small town, it was a...
When We Don’t Make the Grade
It was my last class of the week—my first week as a teacher. “Ms. Metzger, you made a mistake when you totaled my score on the quiz. I earned an 87, not a 92,” the student said. “Wow! How honest you are. I’ll fix it.” The student’s eyes widened. “You’re not supposed...
|Being Fully Alive in the Present Moment| During my teaching days, I looked forward to the occasional teacher-appreciation party, which involved FREE FOOD, comradery, and great door prizes. “Door prizes” got their name because a.) they get people in the door b.) you...

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