What People Are Saying About Sally!
A Whole New Positive Perspective
"I began to look at life with a whole new positive perspective. I am able to talk with God about everything." – LF
I Now Have a Sacred Connection
"Sally has helped me to see the work I do each day in the business world a calling. I now have a sacred connection that makes me think differently and feel differently about the challenges that may come my way." - DP
You Continue to Inspire Me
"Your talks this weekend have been amazing. You continue to inspire me to live a more Christ-centered life." – SB
A Deep Peace and Alignment
"I felt a deep peace and alignment with my faith." – AC
I See Growth in Myself
"I see growth in myself, a more peaceful existence, a deeper spiritual faith, and a happier life. Sally has a wonderful balance of competence in her field coupled with a beautiful, loving spirit that takes hold of you. She has a grounding and centeredness in spiritual truths that invites introspection and prayerfulness." – DT
I Felt a Deeper Peace
"I got back in touch with my real self and my deepest desires. I gained so much more personal freedom and courage ... I felt a deeper peace than I've experienced in years...Sally's kindness and sincere empathy meant so much to me." – PJ
Exactly What I Needed
"I just wanted to let you know how beautiful and perfect and ultimately challenging the guided imagery was. I didn't expect to have such an intense experience during reflection and certainly not one so emotionally charged. This experience was exactly what I needed." – LH
A Great Source of Knowledge
"Sally has been a great source of knowledge and guidance and I now have a greater understanding of myself and others." - G.P.
Sally Made my God Bigger
"Sally made my God bigger." - A.N.
Changed Dramatically for the Better
I have changed dramatically for the better. You have helped me not to worry about what other people think about me and to just be real and true to myself and my beliefs. - R.T.
For the First Time Ever
"For the first time ever I've begun to question myself and make improvements." - S.D.
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